Res Publica
Blending in with
the Background
David Trumbull
January 3,
On Thursday, December 26th,
President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2014 (H.R. 3304). The massive bill (500 pages in length) funds the U.S.
military and makes several changes to personnel and procurement policies. Of
interest to me is a policy change that mandates all branches of the services to
use the same camouflage pattern.
The change had been pushed by William Enyart, Democrat from
Illinois' 12th District, who says he started wondering about all those
different patterns of camouflage in the service branches after reading a Washington Post story detailing how the military now has ten
kinds of camouflage and spends millions on camouflage design.
Enyart's proposal had bipartisan appeal given the
duplication in the military at a time of austerity in government. A Government
Accountability Office September 2012 report revealed that the military had
spent $300 million in 2011 to purchase new camouflage and millions more for
design. Over time, the study found, service branches have designed camouflage
that distinguish one service from another. In a decade, the services introduced
seven new camouflage uniforms with a variety of patterns and colors — two
desert, two woodland and three universal patterns.
"Camo" is big business. Just in the year 2013
Depart of Defense contracts for camouflage clothing totaled $89.1 million. Much
of the production of the camouflage fabrics that go into the uniforms is done
in Fall River, Massachusetts, at Duro Textiles LLC. Hundreds of jobs
have stayed in Fall River, rather than being "off-shored" to low wage
and less regulated parts of the world due to a law, known as the Berry
Amendment (U.S.C. Title 10, Section 2533a), which goes back to 1941 and was
first enacted as part of America's preparation for World War Two which requires
the Dept. of Defense to give preference American made products. In the case of
clothing or textiles, every stage of production from fiber, to yarn, to fabric,
to finished garment that will protect our men and women in uniform, must take
place in America.
Some have argued that we should scrap "Berry" and
get our uniforms, tents, and parachutes from cheaper overseas sources such as China.
Such thinking is very shortsighted. Think what would happen when -- after the
U.S. manufacturers had been put out of business by cheap foreign competition --
we found ourselves at war and unable to clothe and shelter our soldiers,
sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guard because we could not get the supplies
from a foreign source that was unable or unwilling to ship to us?
The new Defense
bill, by preserving "Berry" but also requiring a consolidation of
camouflage design across the services, assures that our uniformed personnel
will have a reliable source of military clothing while saving money.
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